Laws & Treaties

Title General Act of the Brussels Conference Relative to the African Slave Trade
Date 1890-07-02
Location Brussels
Signee(s) Britain
United States
Primary Source “General Act of the Brussels Conference Relative to the African Slave Trade,” Brussels Conference, c.6557., 2 Jul 1890.
Accession Number
Place of Publication Brussels
Publisher Brussels Conference
Date 1890
Author or Creator Brussels Conference
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Cite as: Henry B. Lovejoy, Brenna Bythewood, Tiffany Beebe, Ann Chapman Terrill, Alexander Gillette, Olivia Hart, Ian Hogg, Kathleen King, Alexander Langer, Travis May, Megan Tocci, and Chloe Zehr, "Catalogue of Anti-Slave Trade Legislation in Global Perspective",, Harvard Dataverse, V1 (2023); RegID: AL-OB-529, Date of Access: 20/09/2024.
Title General Act of the Brussels Conference Relative to the African Slave Trade
Date 1890-07-02
Location Brussels
Signee(s) Britain
United States
Primary Source “General Act of the Brussels Conference Relative to the African Slave Trade,” Brussels Conference, c.6557., 2 Jul 1890.
Accession Number
Place of Publication Brussels
Publisher Brussels Conference
Date 1890
Author or Creator Brussels Conference
Digitised by Organization/Archive
Researcher leading Digitisation / Providing Meta-Field Data
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Copyright ManagementField16 This primary source is in the public domain.
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Name Title
Rudolf Ladislaus Johann Joseph Maria Graf von Khevenhüller-Metsch Envoy to Belgium
Émile Banning Minister of Foreign Affairs
François Auguste, Baron Lámbermont Minister of State
Hussey Vivian, Baron Vivian Envoy to Belgium
John Kirk plenipotentiary
Martin le Marchant Hadsley Gosselin envoy at Brussels
Auguste van Maldeghem Envoy to Belgium
Edmond van Eetvelde Minister of Foreign Affairs
Frédéric-George Schack de Brockdorff ambassador to Antwerp
François Georges Cogordan Minister of Foreign Affairs
Frédéric Albert Bourée Envoy to Belgium
Albert Maria Joseph Maximilian Lamoral, Prince of Thurn and Taxis envoy at Brussels
Friedrich Johann von Alvensleben Envoy to Belgium
Guillaume Göhring ambassador to Amsterdam
Alessandro Bardi plenipotentiary
François de Renzis, Baron de Montanaro Envoy to Belgium
Thomas Catalani plenipotentiary
Joseph Louis Heinrich Alfred, Baron Gericke van Herwijnen Envoy to Belgium
Étienne Carathéodory Effendi Envoy to Belgium
Lazare Nazare-Aga Envoy to Belgium
David Cohen de Castro e Lara, Baron of Sendal plenipotentiary
Henrique de Macedo Pereira Coutinho Envoy to Belgium
Miguel José Martins D'Antas envoy at Brussels
Friedrich Fromhold von Martens Minister of Foreign Affairs
Leon Pavlovich Ouroussoff, Prince Ouroussoff Envoy to Belgium
José Gutiérrez de Agüera Envoy to Belgium
Carl Johan Reinhold Burenstam ambassador to Belgium and the Netherlands
Edwin Holland Terrell Envoy to Belgium
Henry Shelton Sanford plenipotentiary