
In 1809, 3 enslaved African(s) were “liberated” in a state-run scheme usually resulting in involuntary indentures, conscription, or re-enslavement. Under the jurisdiction of 1, Case ID LA-E-3806 occurred via the Court of Vice Admiralty, Freetown.

Case Details
UID LA-E-3806
Case Name Africaan
Year 1809
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Court of Vice Admiralty, Freetown
Trial Outcome Condemned
Enslaved Total 3
Liberated Africans Total 3
Registered Total 3
Sources Hull History Center, U DTH/1/77, "Papers of Thomas Perronet Thompson" 17 Sep. 1808 - 11 Aug. 1809, no folio numbers; Special thanks to Suzanne Schwarz for confirming these resources; Suzanne Schwarz, "Reconstructing the Life Histories of Liberated Africans: Sierra Leone in the Early Nineteenth Century," History in Africa 39 (2012): 175-207; Sierra Leone Public Archive, Liberated Africans Register, #79 - 81; SlaveVoyages, (accessed 2020), Voyage ID: 7543.
Cite as:

Lovejoy, H. B. (2024). Conceptualizing ‘Liberated Africans’ and Slave Trade Abolition: Government Schemes to Indenture Enslaved People Captured from Slavery, 1800–1920. Past & Present, 1-69.

Chadha, K. (2024). Regenerated Identities: A Collaborative Web-based Content Management System for Digital Humanities. International Journal of Computer Applications, 186(29), 28–33.

Event Details
UID LA-E-3806
Case Name Africaan
Departure from Africa
Date 1809-03-27
Region Voltaic
Place Accra
Enslaved Total 3
Location Went to Accra
Navy Britain
Ship Derwent
Captain Frederick Parker
Supporting Ships
Sentence Date 1809-05-30
Government Department Colonial and Foreign Offices, Great Britain
Court Court of Vice Admiralty, Freetown
Trial Outcome Condemned
Region Rivers of West Africa
Place Freetown
Liberated Africans 3
Registered 3
People Details
UI Name Age Sex Height (ft)
VI000374 Sippey 16 Man 4'9 1/2 View Details
VI000375 Bussey 15 M 4'8 View Details
VI000376 Banna 12 Girl 4'2 View Details
List of Source(s)