
In 1800, 17 enslaved African(s) were “liberated” in a state-run scheme usually resulting in involuntary indentures, conscription, or re-enslavement. Under the jurisdiction of 7, Case ID LA-E-3551 occurred via the United States District Court for the District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Case Details
UID LA-E-3551
Case Name Prudent
Year 1800
Government Department Justice and State Departments, United States of America
Court United States District Court for the District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Trial Outcome Condemned
Enslaved Total 39
Liberated Africans Total 17
Registered Total 16
Notes Captured as prize during the Quasi War and under the terms of a law passed on May 10 1800, namely "An Act in addition to the act intituled "An Act to prohibit the carrying on the Slave Trade from the United States to any foreign place or country," which was initially passed in 1794. A special meeting of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery was called at the suggestion of the committee on the slave-trade; their minutes were produced, by which it appears that two American vessels, having on board a considerable number of black people, supposed to have been bound to the Havanna, had been captured by one of the armed vessels of the United States, and sent into this port; and that the said black persons are now in circumstances demanding the attention of this Society. A committee was appointed to watch over their situation, and that of any others who may be hereafter brought in under the acts of Congress, against the slave-trade, and to afford them such assistance and protection, by co-operating with the officers of the General and State Governments, as may be necessary, and to provide places for such as are found to be free. That committee subsequently reported, that at the request and under the direction of the Marshal of the United States for the District of Pennsylvania, they had placed out, principally in the country, one hundred and twenty-six persons, the survivors of the cargo of slaves taken from the schooners Phoebe and [Prudent]. The Pennsylvania Abolition Society took charge of the 126 survivors, whom they indentured for periods of eight years. These people were resettled in various counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Sources Edward Needles, An Historical Memoir of the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery… (Philadelphia: Merrihew and Thompson, 1848), 46-47; Michael Kearney, dir., The Ganges Families History Project,, (accessed 2022); SlaveVoyages, (accessed 2020), Voyage ID: 36707.
Cite as:

Lovejoy, H. B. (2024). Conceptualizing ‘Liberated Africans’ and Slave Trade Abolition: Government Schemes to Indenture Enslaved People Captured from Slavery, 1800–1920. Past & Present, 1-69.

Chadha, K. (2024). Regenerated Identities: A Collaborative Web-based Content Management System for Digital Humanities. International Journal of Computer Applications, 186(29), 28–33.

Event Details
UID LA-E-3551
Case Name Prudent
Departure from Africa
Region West Africa (unspecified)
Place Unspecified
Enslaved Total 39
Date 1800-07-19
Location 23°30'0" N., [no long.]; 10 miles off the coast of Cuba near Matanzas
Navy USA
Ship Ganges
Captain John Mullonwy
Supporting Ships
Sentence Date 1800-08-15
Government Department Justice and State Departments, United States of America
Court United States District Court for the District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Trial Outcome Condemned
Date 1800-08-04
Region East Coast North America
Place Philadelphia
Liberated Africans 17
Registered 16
People Details
UI Name Age Sex Height (ft)
VI000001 Peter View Details
VI000002 Abia View Details
VI000003 John View Details
VI000004 Abraham View Details
VI000005 Charles View Details
VI000006 Mary View Details
VI000007 Carny View Details
VI000008 William View Details
VI000009 George View Details
VI000010 Furry View Details
VI000011 Demau View Details
VI000012 Nackey View Details
VI000013 Mira View Details
VI000014 Miza View Details
VI000015 Nandura View Details
VI000016 Mary View Details
List of Source(s)

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