
In 1845, 92 enslaved African(s) were “liberated” in a state-run scheme usually resulting in involuntary indentures, conscription, or re-enslavement. Under the jurisdiction of 14, Case ID LA-E-466 occurred via the Tribunal de Julgamento das Prezas por Tráfico de Escravatura, Luanda

Case Details
RegID LA-E-466
Case Name Unspecified
Year 1845
Government Department Ministério do Ultramar, Reino de Portugal
Court Tribunal de Julgamento das Prezas por Tráfico de Escravatura, Luanda
Trial Outcome Condemned
Enslaved Total 92
Liberated Africans Total 92
Registered Total 0
Sources Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Portugal, Sala 6, Maço 775, Miscelânia, "Relação das embarcações aprezadas pelas autoridades Portuguesas, e pelas cruzadores ingleses nas costas de África Oriental e Ocidental," 1838-1843; "Anexo C: Apresamentos, destruições ou afundamentos de embarcações negreiras, efectuados pela Armada portuguesa entre 1839 e 1867," and "Anexo D: Apresamento de navios negreiros efectuado por di-versas autoridades administrativas e portuárias entre 1837 e 1870," in João Pedro Marques, Os Sons do Silêncio: o Portugal de Oitocentos e a Abolição do Tráfico de Escravos (Lisboa: Imprensa das Ciências Sociais, 1999), 485-489; Samuël Coghe, "Libertos in Angola MDB Spreadsheet" (donated to Liberated Africans in 2020); Samuël Coghe, “The Problem of Freedom in a Mid Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Society: The Liberated Africans of the Anglo-Portuguese Mixed Commission in Luanda (1844-1870),” Slavery and Abolition 33, no. 1 (2012): 479-500; José C. Curto, “Producing 'Liberated' Africans in Mid-Nineteenth Century Angola,” in Richard Anderson, and Henry B. Lovejoy, Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896 (Rochester: Rochester University Press, 2020), 258.
Cite as
Event Details
X Capture 1524834.551448
Y Capture -1197334.225424
Ship Status Liberated Africans
Date of departure from a place or port in Africa generally following the purchase of enslaved people. Include YYYY-MM-DD, if known.
Region of departure from Africa. Required entry. For more information about the geographical hierarchy used in this digital resource, please refer to AfricanRegions.org. West Central Africa North
Place or port of departure from Africa, if known. A controlled vocabulary for place names are associated with geographic coordinates using Google Maps Global Mercator EPSG:900913. See https://epsg.io/transform#s_srs=4326&t_srs=900913&x=NaN&y=NaN Benguela
Capture date at sea or on land, if known. Date of the sentence. Include YYYY-MM-DD, if known. 1845-05-04
Location Benguela Velha
Navy Portugal
Ship Ninfa
Captain de Sousa
Supporting Ships
Sentence Date
Date of arrival to the place where the trial, purchase, or asylum occurred, resulting in "liberation" and indenture. Includes YYYY-MM-DD, if known.
Region of arrival around the world. Required field. For more information about the geographical hierarchy used in this digital resource, please refer to AfricanRegions.org. Other regions outside of Africa include, Western Europe, East Coast of North America, etc. West Central Africa North
Place or port of arrival around the world. Required field. A controlled vocabulary for place names are associated with geographic coordinates using Google Maps Global Mercator EPSG:900913. See https://epsg.io/transform#s_srs=4326&t_srs=900913&x=NaN&y=NaN Luanda
List of Source

No primary sources available for this case yet.